Devotionals (Week of March 31 – April 6)
Devotionals (Week of Jan 27-Feb 2)
- Read the verse or passage over and over.
- Think about what God is saying to you.
- Put it into your own words.
- Search your heart to see how the verse applies to you.
- Talk to God about it.
- How does this verse apply to you and what will you do about it?
Monday (Day 22): James 1:2-4
Tuesday (Day 23): James 1:19-20
Wednesday (Day 24): James 1:22-25
Thursday (Day 25): James 2:17-18
Friday (Day 26) :James 3:13
Saturday (Day 27): James 4:10
Sunday (Day 28): James 5:19-20
Devotionals (Week of Jan 13 – Jan 19)
Picture it
Mark 1:40-45
Be the leper: What are you desperate for God to do in your life?
Be Jesus: Are you willing to touch “untouchable” people?
Mark 4:35-41
Be a disciple: Has Jesus ever led you into a storm? Does it ever seem like he is asleep in the stern?
Be in one of the other boats? Have you ever been caught up in someone else’s storm?
Mark 5:21-43
Be Jairus
Be the woman
Be the girl
Be a disciple
Mark 6:35-44
Be a disciple
Be a member of the crowd
Be the boy
Mark 6:45-51
Be a disciple in the boat
Be Peter
Mark 7:31-37
Be the deaf and mute man
Be one of the man’s friends
Devotionals (Week of Dec 30 – Jan 5)
The justice of God is the major theme in the book of Amos. The prophet Amos exhorted the imminence of “the Day of the LORD”. On that day, every person will be judged and that included both the enemies of the Israelites and the Israelites themselves.
Amos 1:2-15
What did Israel’s neighbors do that resulted in God’s judgment?
Amos 4:6-13
What did Israel do that resulted in God’s judgment? How have you sinned against God in similar manner?
Amos 5:1-17
How can we seek the Lord specifically? Why should we seek Him above all else?
Amos 5:18-24
How was the Day of the Lord described? Is it a day of hope or a day of judgment?
Amos 7:1-9
How extensive would the damage be according to the judgment of God?
Amos 9:1-10
Why would God pour out His wrath and judgment upon Israel?
Amos 9:11-15
What hope did God give to the Israelites in spite of His judgment?